Open Source
I am a big believer in open source software, which I contribute to through GitHub. My commits are signed with my PGP key.
I have a Swift Package Collection available that includes all the Swift packages I maintain. My GitHub profile also highlights my most popular projects.
The open-source tag collects all contributions, releases, and blog posts relating to open source.
Below are the open source projects I have contributed to recently.
A Swift framework for building composable collection view sections
All ContributionsJosephDuffy/HashableMacro
Add Hashable conformance by decorating properties with Swift macros
All ContributionsJosephDuffy/UnsafeSendable
Mark individual properties as Sendable without using @unchecked
All ContributionsJosephDuffy/Persist
Extensible typesafe storage utilising property wrappers. Supports transformers such as Codable. Built in support for UserDefaults, NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, FileManager, and in memory storage.
All Contributions