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Entries with the swiftpm tag

Swift Package Collection Signing Using the Terminal

Swift Packages are JSON files that describe a collection of packages. This post will explain how to sign these packages with a trusted certificate entirely from the terminal. These methods should work on Linux and macOS alike. At the end I describe how to have Swift on Linux implicitly trust these packages.

Using this technique I have published my own package collection.

If you're targeting macOS only and find GUIs more intuitive I recommend following the “Swift Package Collection” blog post from Shaps, which is the post that finally made this “click” for me.

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Supporting Multiple Swift Package Versions Without Breaking Compatibility

The Xcode 12 beta includes Swift 5.3 but drops support for iOS 8.x. This means that Swift packages that support iOS 8 will cause a warning:

The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99.

It's not possible to remove this warning within a project that depends on a Swift package with a deployment target of iOS 8, but it is possible to fix this in the dependency without removing support for iOS 8 for older versions of Swift. There are multiple way this can be accomplished.

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My Swift Package Manager Release Workflow

I am currently maintaining numerous Swift Packages that don't receive a constant flow of updates, but do receive updates when new Swift updates come out, or as I think of useful additions.

To ensure that I can make some of these less frequent updates without too much friction and with confidence in their correctness I rely heavily on GitHub Actions, which I'll go over in this blog post.

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