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Pull request [snapshot] wait for simulator to boot before overriding status bar on fastlane/fastlane


  • [x] I've run bundle exec rspec from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
  • [x] I've followed the fastlane code style and run bundle exec rubocop -a to ensure the code style is valid
  • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
  • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.

Motivation and Context

If the simulator is not booted when the status bar is updated it does not do anything and the default status bar is used.

Resolves #19317


xcrun instruments fails with the error "xcrun: error: Failed to locate 'instruments'." This command will boot the simulator if it's not curerntly booted and then wait for it finish booting before terminating.

Testing Steps

Use snapshot while the override_status_bar option is true.

Some of the tests failed for me, although they do not seem related to this change.
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/app_store_connect_api_key_spec.rb:95 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile App Store Connect API Key raise error when no key_filepath or key_content
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/import_from_git_spec.rb:162 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile import_from_git with caching works with new tags
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/import_from_git_spec.rb:200 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile import_from_git with caching works with branch
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:47 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert, .p12 and .mobileprovision (iOS provision) into the match repo
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:64 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert, .p12 and .provisionprofile (osx provision) into the match repo
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:81 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert and .p12 without profile into the match repo (backwards compatibility)
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:98 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert and .p12 when the type is set to developer_id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:661 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with one team id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:677 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with inferred provider id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:633 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with itc_provider with nil Spaceship::TunesClient
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:646 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with itc_provider with nil Spaceship::TunesClient
rspec ./pilot/spec/manager_spec.rb[1:1:2:2:1:1:1] # Pilot Pilot::Manager what happens on 'login' when using web session when username input param is given behaves like performing the spaceship login using username and password by pilot performs the login using username and password
rspec ./pilot/spec/manager_spec.rb[1:1:2:2:2:1:1] # Pilot Pilot::Manager what happens on 'login' when using web session when username input param is not given but found apple_id in AppFile behaves like performing the spaceship login using username and password by pilot performs the login using username and password
rspec ./sigh/spec/runner_spec.rb:142 # Sigh Sigh::Runner#devices_to_use devices for development
rspec ./sigh/spec/runner_spec.rb:152 # Sigh Sigh::Runner#devices_to_use devices for adhoc

Pull request Fallback to description when content is not provided for JSON feed on jpmonette/feed

In RSS 2 the description may contain the full text and the content can be omitted when there is not a short version available:

However a JSON feed will not contain a content_html field when the content is not provided.

This makes it hard to create both a JSON feed and an RSS 2 feed because providing content without a description will create a content:encoded field but not a description field in the RSS 2 feed.

My solution to this is to fallback to the item.description when item.content is not provided and generating a JSON feed.

Pull request Add support for watchOS on Quick/Nimble

This PR is to add support for running on watchOS. Since Xcode 12.5 watchOS has been supported but Nimble doesn't currently compile for watchOS.

A new target has been added to the project, along with explicit support in the Package.swift.

I don't believe anything here is a breaking change.

I have a fork of Quick that also supports watchOS. I'll create a PR for that if this PR gets approved and merged.

Hosting DocC Archives

At WWDC21 Apple introduced DocC, a tool for creating archives of Swift documentation that includes the static files required to host a version of the documentation on a website.

In this post I will summarise various methods of serving a DocC archive:

  • Netlify
  • Vapor middleware
  • nginx
  • Apache

All the examples provided here are hosting the DocC archive for VaporDocC, the Vapor middleware I wrote for hosting DocC archives.

Keep Reading

VaporDocC v0.1.0

Release Notes

  • Support redirecting requests for the root (“/“)
  • Support redirecting requests with missing trailing slashes to include trailing slashes

Pull request Add JosephDuffy/VaporDocC.git on SwiftPackageIndex/PackageList

The package(s) being submitted are:


I have either:

  • [x] Run swift ./validate.swift.

Or, checked that:

  • [ ] The package repositories are publicly accessible.
  • [ ] The packages all contain a Package.swift file in the root folder.
  • [ ] The packages are written in Swift 5.0 or later.
  • [ ] The packages all contain at least one product (either library or executable), and at least one product is usable in other Swift apps.
  • [ ] The packages all have at least one release tagged as a semantic version.
  • [ ] The packages all output valid JSON from swift package dump-package with the latest Swift toolchain.
  • [ ] The package URLs are all fully specified including the protocol (usually https) and the .git extension.
  • [ ] The packages all compile without errors.
  • [ ] The package list JSON file is sorted alphabetically.

Handling iCal Files in iOS

The iCal format, first defined as a standard as RFC 2445 in 1998, is the universally accepted format for distributing calendar files, mainly used for distributing events.

As part of my QR code scanning app Scanula I added support for detecting events in scanned objects. Thanks to the fantastic libical and the Swift wrapper swift-ical it's fairly easy to parse an iCal feed, but adding it to iOS is a bit trickier.

Keep Reading