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Pull request Fix reload delete same index path on opennetltd/Composed

This is an improvement but it's not quite a fix yet.

I think the issue is in the transforming of the index paths. We probably need to work with a mixture of the current and the transformed index paths in ChangesReducer.removeElements(at:) but I can't figure out the right mix and need to step away for a bit to clear my head of this, hopefully coming back with "fresh eyes."

Pull request Enable Strict Concurrency Checks on opennetltd/Composed

The primary change here is to enable strict concurrency checks via ~~-Xfrontend -strict-concurrency=complete~~ the StrictConcurrency experimental featyre. The main knock-on effect of this is that @MainActor has been added to most protocols and types.

I also:

  • Bumped the Swift tools version to 5.9
    • With this the name parameter on the dependency declaration has been deprecated
    • This initially 5.7 but have since moved on to Xocde 15.1
  • Removed support for all but UICollectionViews
    • We don't use any of the other view types so this has no impact on us, other than less to update and maintain
    • We did rely on some of the extensions on UITableView. The PR in the main repo now includes these extensions
  • The required initialisers on ArraySection have been removed
    • I planned to remove these soon because they make it harder to subclass, but these have been removed now because they were used for protocol conformances that cannot be satisfied with an actor-isolated function

The Bug That Bit Me Twice

I've been working on a fix for a bug in Overamped, which causes the popover UI shown when tapping on an image in Google Images to be blank, if the link goes to an AMP page. This was a silly bug that never should've happened; knowing that Google can change their page structure at any time I should've been more cautious with my checks.

As a temporary quick fix I removed all custom handling of Google results, tested my changes in the simulator, and uploaded a new build to TestFlight.

After installing the TestFlight update on my phone I checked a search result that I knew recreated the problem, but it was still happening! I have other extensions installed so I disabled some, refreshed, and the bug was fixed!

I thought it would be very strange for the same – very specific – bug to appear in multiple extensions, so I did a little digging.

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