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Entries with the ios tag

Pull request Support watchOS on Quick/Quick

This is a counterpart to, which added support for watchOS to Nimble.

Note that this is a draft until a new version of Nimble is released with watchOS support. Until then this points at main.

I'm also not sure if the tests will run on CI correctly because the tests require watchOS 7.4 to run and I'm not sure what version of watchOS the simulators are configured with.

I also found that the tests weren't compiling (using Xcode 13.2.1) so I've updated these too.

Pull request [snapshot] wait for simulator to boot before overriding status bar on fastlane/fastlane


  • [x] I've run bundle exec rspec from the root directory to see all new and existing tests pass
  • [x] I've followed the fastlane code style and run bundle exec rubocop -a to ensure the code style is valid
  • [x] I've read the Contribution Guidelines
  • [x] I've updated the documentation if necessary.

Motivation and Context

If the simulator is not booted when the status bar is updated it does not do anything and the default status bar is used.

Resolves #19317


xcrun instruments fails with the error "xcrun: error: Failed to locate 'instruments'." This command will boot the simulator if it's not curerntly booted and then wait for it finish booting before terminating.

Testing Steps

Use snapshot while the override_status_bar option is true.

Some of the tests failed for me, although they do not seem related to this change.
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/app_store_connect_api_key_spec.rb:95 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile App Store Connect API Key raise error when no key_filepath or key_content
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/import_from_git_spec.rb:162 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile import_from_git with caching works with new tags
rspec ./fastlane/spec/actions_specs/import_from_git_spec.rb:200 # Fastlane Fastlane::FastFile import_from_git with caching works with branch
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:47 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert, .p12 and .mobileprovision (iOS provision) into the match repo
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:64 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert, .p12 and .provisionprofile (osx provision) into the match repo
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:81 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert and .p12 without profile into the match repo (backwards compatibility)
rspec ./match/spec/importer_spec.rb:98 # Match Match::Runner imports a .cert and .p12 when the type is set to developer_id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:661 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with one team id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:677 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with inferred provider id
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:633 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with itc_provider with nil Spaceship::TunesClient
rspec ./pilot/spec/build_manager_spec.rb:646 # Build Manager #transporter_for_selected_team with itc_provider with nil Spaceship::TunesClient
rspec ./pilot/spec/manager_spec.rb[1:1:2:2:1:1:1] # Pilot Pilot::Manager what happens on 'login' when using web session when username input param is given behaves like performing the spaceship login using username and password by pilot performs the login using username and password
rspec ./pilot/spec/manager_spec.rb[1:1:2:2:2:1:1] # Pilot Pilot::Manager what happens on 'login' when using web session when username input param is not given but found apple_id in AppFile behaves like performing the spaceship login using username and password by pilot performs the login using username and password
rspec ./sigh/spec/runner_spec.rb:142 # Sigh Sigh::Runner#devices_to_use devices for development
rspec ./sigh/spec/runner_spec.rb:152 # Sigh Sigh::Runner#devices_to_use devices for adhoc

Handling iCal Files in iOS

The iCal format, first defined as a standard as RFC 2445 in 1998, is the universally accepted format for distributing calendar files, mainly used for distributing events.

As part of my QR code scanning app Scanula I added support for detecting events in scanned objects. Thanks to the fantastic libical and the Swift wrapper swift-ical it's fairly easy to parse an iCal feed, but adding it to iOS is a bit trickier.

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The iPod touch Is My Favourite Device for iOS Development

It's important to test across various screen sizes, which the iOS simulator is good for, but it's also important to test on real devices where possible. I currently have an iPhone 11 Pro, an iPhone 6, and 2 iPod touches. Out of all these I find the iPod touch to be the best device for a lot of iOS development.

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My WWDC 2021 Wishlist

With WWDC 2021 just around the corner I've been thinking about what I'd like to see there.

A lot of the popular discourse around this time of year is focussed on features of the operating systems but I want to look at what I'd like to see as a developer for Apple platforms.

I love to develop for Apple platforms but it can often be a painful process. May is like a christmas for Apple developers.

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Running UI Tests on Mac Catalyst

While working on the 2.0 update for Gathered I have been trying to develop the app multiple platforms simultaneously. SwiftUI will solve this problem in the future, but I wish to support some OS versions that SwiftUI does not support.

As part of this I have been creating UI tests to test performance, but ran in to an issue when running the UI tests on macOS using Mac Catalyst:

Running tests...
The bundle “PerformanceXCTests” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources. Try reinstalling the bundle.
(dlopen_preflight(...): no suitable image found.  Did find:
	...: code signature in (...) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapped file has no Team ID and is not a platform binary (signed with custom identity or adhoc?))
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Gathered 1.3 Release Notes

Gathered 1.3 has been released and is now available on the App Store. Version 1.3 brings 2 new data sources, app-wide speed and UX improvements, and support for various features added in recent versions of iOS.

This update also has lots of behind-the-scenes changes that will make future updates easier to create and deploy, which – along with my features roadmap – should mean more frequent updates.

I wasn't very happy removing the Heart Rate data source but Apple weren't very happy with the use of HealthKit.

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iOS Share Sheets the Proper Way - Locations

Sharing a location on iOS is something that not a lot of apps need, but after requiring it for my latest app, Scanula, I found that there isn't a good resource explaining how to do it properly. This is the first post in a series of planned posts going over a few of the tips, tricks, and common pitfalls I have found while working with iOS Share Sheets.

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Touch ID on the Lock Screen

Touch ID is a wonderful piece of technology, to the point where wouldn't buy an iOS device without it. It had many great uses, such as:

  • Unlock the device
  • Authorise Apple Pay payments
  • Add biometric restrictions within apps

However, I wish to discuss the first of these: unlocking the device.

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