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Pull request Fallback to description when content is not provided for JSON feed on jpmonette/feed

In RSS 2 the description may contain the full text and the content can be omitted when there is not a short version available:

However a JSON feed will not contain a content_html field when the content is not provided.

This makes it hard to create both a JSON feed and an RSS 2 feed because providing content without a description will create a content:encoded field but not a description field in the RSS 2 feed.

My solution to this is to fallback to the item.description when item.content is not provided and generating a JSON feed.

Pull request Add support for watchOS on Quick/Nimble

This PR is to add support for running on watchOS. Since Xcode 12.5 watchOS has been supported but Nimble doesn't currently compile for watchOS.

A new target has been added to the project, along with explicit support in the Package.swift.

I don't believe anything here is a breaking change.

I have a fork of Quick that also supports watchOS. I'll create a PR for that if this PR gets approved and merged.

Hosting DocC Archives

At WWDC21 Apple introduced DocC, a tool for creating archives of Swift documentation that includes the static files required to host a version of the documentation on a website.

In this post I will summarise various methods of serving a DocC archive:

  • Netlify
  • Vapor middleware
  • nginx
  • Apache

All the examples provided here are hosting the DocC archive for VaporDocC, the Vapor middleware I wrote for hosting DocC archives.

Keep Reading

VaporDocC v0.1.0

Release Notes

  • Support redirecting requests for the root (“/“)
  • Support redirecting requests with missing trailing slashes to include trailing slashes

Pull request Add JosephDuffy/VaporDocC.git on SwiftPackageIndex/PackageList

The package(s) being submitted are:


I have either:

  • [x] Run swift ./validate.swift.

Or, checked that:

  • [ ] The package repositories are publicly accessible.
  • [ ] The packages all contain a Package.swift file in the root folder.
  • [ ] The packages are written in Swift 5.0 or later.
  • [ ] The packages all contain at least one product (either library or executable), and at least one product is usable in other Swift apps.
  • [ ] The packages all have at least one release tagged as a semantic version.
  • [ ] The packages all output valid JSON from swift package dump-package with the latest Swift toolchain.
  • [ ] The package URLs are all fully specified including the protocol (usually https) and the .git extension.
  • [ ] The packages all compile without errors.
  • [ ] The package list JSON file is sorted alphabetically.

Handling iCal Files in iOS

The iCal format, first defined as a standard as RFC 2445 in 1998, is the universally accepted format for distributing calendar files, mainly used for distributing events.

As part of my QR code scanning app Scanula I added support for detecting events in scanned objects. Thanks to the fantastic libical and the Swift wrapper swift-ical it's fairly easy to parse an iCal feed, but adding it to iOS is a bit trickier.

Keep Reading

Scanula version 1.2.0

Release Notes

Version 1.2 of Scanula provides better integration with system features, improvements to existing feature, and a few bug fixes.

  • Support for system dark mode
  • Support long press to preview scans
  • Improved UI on iPads
  • Use system icons
  • Adding a scanned calendar to the system calendar will now add all fields from the iCal object
  • Improved handling of sms: URLs
  • Fix changing brightness when viewing a generated barcode
  • Fix action extensions sometimes not showing results
  • Various small bug fixes and UI improvements